Selected tournament: Valens Kup 2019.

Place: Sportska dvorana OŠ Antun Gustav Matoš, Ohridska ulica 21, Vinkovci, LAPOVCI
Schedule: 01.06.2019
Organizer: MMA klub Valens Vinkovci
Registrations till: 30.05.2019 00:00:00
Contact: Nikola Jurković -> 099 731 23 72
Disciplines: Amaterski MMA
How to find us:
Full description: KATEGORIJE
Info about registrations: Prijave isključivo online putem portala do 31.05.2019. u 23:59h.
Fee: 140 kn po prijavljenom natjecatelju/ici
Tournament schedule: SUBOTA, 01.06.2019.
09:00 - 10:30 - vaganje natjecatelja
11:00 - početak natjecanja
Total number of entries: 1
Total number of competitors: 1
total number of clubs: 1
Total number of countries: 1