Selected tournament: OTVORENO PRVENSTVO HRVATSKE U MMA 2023.

Place: OŠ Žuti􏰀 brijeg, Vrtnjakovečka ul. 8, 10040, Zagreb
Schedule: 27.05.2023
Organizer: Hrvatski MMA Savez
Registrations till: 24.05.2023 14:00:00
Contact: Mario Jurković -> 095 9152 949
Disciplines: ELITE MMA
Full description: POZIV
Info about registrations: Prijave isključivo putem ovog portala do 23.05. u 23:59 sati.
Fee: 20 EUR
Tournament schedule: SUBOTA, 27.05.2023.
09:00 - 10:00 - prijave i kontrolna vaga
10:00 - 10:30- sastanak sudaca i trenera
10:45 - početak natjecanja
Total number of entries: 48
Total number of competitors: 46
total number of clubs: 8
Total number of countries: 1